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Guides For Term Paper Writing

Composing An Excellent Research Paper Methods Section

An in-depth understanding of the methods is needed in order to compose an excellent methodology section. A good methodology section will be judged based on how it helps to achieve the final objectives of the essay. More importantly, the nature and quality of methodology influences the credibility of the results and the whole of research, since wrong methods give wrong results, which lead to incorrect inferences and generalizations. Hence, make sure the section fits well with other sections of the paper.

Devising research methods is one of the hardest practices in research. You will need to decide whether the fairest methods are observational, opinion-based or experimental. Consider that for every experiment, you will need to design a suitable method. The results from these experiments will be used to test the hypothesis. The results will also need to be measured effectively.

Here are some suggestions on how to compose an excellent research paper methods section:

  • The first thing is to understand the problem in question. This helps in selecting the right methods that minimize bias, and which leads to collecting data that helps to understand the problem deeply and to answer it more satisfactorily. In most cases, all methods will not be suitable for use, and those that are suitable might need to be adopted in one way or the other to suit your specific situations. Many methods will also not suit your situation after consideration of the available budget, resources, situational ethics and convenience. Most writers employ opinion-based methods such as case studies and observational methods such as questionnaires and interviews. However, specific problems will need experiments in order to get statistical results.
  • Understand diverse methods of data collection: A good methodology section will show how the researcher acquired data and information. It is advisable to use different methods to acquire this data. For instance, it should include use of interviews, questionnaires and secondary sources. All these should link to and appear to compliment each other.

  • Explain reasons for use of data collection and analysis methods: Writers are required to show why and how their methods were selected for the problem in question. In deed, they must provide details why other alternative methods were not employed. Ensure that these explanations are as specific as possible in relation to the topic being handled.

  • Use different methods of data analysis: Data analysis methods are, however, selected based on the data and data clusters in question. These analysis methods must be well understood by the writer in order to avoid confusing the reader.   

Tips for Term Paper Format

After writing and rewriting your content and polishing your final draft, your work is not quite finished just yet. This is where you add any final touches you had yet to complete that your paper may require. These elements may include a title page, works cited page, and setting margins and page spacing. Your content may need to follow a specific order and this is the best time to ensure your work displays it. For instance, your format may include an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion in this order. Some students may find it easier to incorporate these requirements into their paper as they are writing it instead of waiting until the end. Research & Writing For Your College Term Paper